Knitting E-scape

Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Coolest Stitch Markers!

Look at the stitch markers from Poor Miss Finch !!!

What a fun surprise in the mail yesterday! Stitch markers in lovely purple and teal. Marvelous colors, beautiful to behold and I did nothing to deserve such luxury, except to say "I want some". Give Laura a shout and tell her how remarkable she is. I love reading her blog. I have found that the daily dose of blogs that I try to read is a "must-have" fix. The bloggers I read feel like my friends. It's a great network out there! Who'd have thunk it??

I am still trying to enter this century with the photo posting. Little by little. Now, I did try to focus this picture, but it looks fuzzy to me. Half-way through this project, DH came home with a new flat screen monitor for me...after the installation, something seems to have changed besides having a lot more room on my computer desk: I must need to make some adjustments, since my blog page is much smaller now, with lots of white space on all the edges and this picture was out of focus.


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