Knitting E-scape

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Secret Pal Strikes Again!

Thank You!
A big public, belated appreciation post to my Secret Pal! I received this several days ago and have been having fun looking through it. I've made a list of the projects that are intriguing to me so far. I've wanted to make the Flower Washcloths for a while now...and even have a hank of Cotton Chenille and the right needles! I love the lace-edged pillow cases...this will be fun, since I always try to include a pillow case with my quilts. Pillows look fun and the Berkshire pullover is simple and one wonders if it could really be done in a weekend? I do like the Perfect Pie shawl and who doesn't love the Petticoat Socks?? Now off to work. How can you work when you'd rather be knitting??
Personal News: It went well in spite of my anxiety. The information gathered from the test was helpful. The cardiologist is hitting on my risk factors and is adjusting my medications...I didn't FLATLINE! Life is good!
Family News: Tim and Katie are on a road trip around Alaska. Praying for safety and a good time. John and Steph are working hard and getting ready for their big trip to Germany in a week. They're excited! Whitney is fine, thanks for asking. I need to photograph her new haircut...


  • That is a great book, though I don't own it... I've been wanting it for ages... Blossom, aka, whisperine pine made me one of those washcloths a couple of months ago!

    By Blogger Dani, At 11:46 AM  

  • Hey, I got that book for my 1 year anniversary from my dear wonderful husband, also known as your dear wonderful son. I really like it and I am looking forward to making some of the projects. I already started a washcloth.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 2:08 PM  

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