Knitting E-scape

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Secret Pal Gifts Arrive!

Oh my! Look at that bag!!!
I have a story to tell. The other day I got an email from my secret pal telling me that she had sent a package. Then an email telling me that there was a hold-up on the "shipment" in customs! Customs! Now, when I posted about my felted mittens, my secret pal said she lived in a warm climate and did not know what mittens were used for. (That's me taking some liberty with what she actually said.) But nevertheless, I learned that she lived in a land far away. Talk about interesting, and this was just after Rox posted about secret pals and world peace! So now I *know* where my secret pal lives....(that part is hard unless you have secret pal packages drop shipped from some other location than your home town!) I am going to spill the beans: she lives in Malaysia. Wow. Here's to you, and to all the secret pals out there that are challenged by international shipping! Bravo and Kudos!
Now back to my package. Please, please, take the time to click on the picture to better appreciate the cables in the marvelously lovely knitted gift bag! It is soft and lavender and perfectly knitted and a work of love. It has a soft and unique furry cuff at the top. Now, the customs officials did open the package, but I do not think they took anything. (Here's where I am very glad that they are obviously *not* knitters.) They must have appreciated the love and thoughtfulness that was devoted to this sweet package traveling around the world! It even included a gift for Whitney--the cutest collar! She is very lazy today, laying here amid my quilt fabric stash, snoring loudly. She will definitely model the collar, at least in the next few days...The two balls of yarn pictured say "Cashmere Lamb's Wool" on the label. It is luxurious, a beautiful rosy-burgandy color...Oh, thank you, secret pal! It will be medicine for the hands to knit with this yarn...the label is in Japanese or Chinese (please forgive me) characters, so I don't know too much about the yarn, except that it will make something lovely. Can you see the chibi?? And the thread cutter? These will come in very handy to tote in my knitting bag, especially with the airline scissor problems! Look at the darling origami doll! Amazing! I got a set of origami papers: a kit to make something lovely. It has pictured directions which will come in handy! Thank you secret pal, you waaaay outdid yourself! I can hardly wait to meet you on your blog! I have lots of questions!


  • Phew...can you tell that I'm so relieved?? I was so worried for the past few days and keep on checking your blog to see if you've got your gifts. I'm really glad that you finally got them, safe and complete. And you actually like them!!!
    Well, enjoy them, and I can't wait to see another lovely socks knitted by you.

    Your relieved SP ;D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:20 PM  

  • Looks like you got your Chibi!! I'm glad you finally got one of your own. Tim and I are doing well. I've been doing lots of my own knitting. Just started a shrug that will surely turn out lovely... some other projects that I'm working on are a hat, a sock, a "lapghan" and that mitten (yeah I know, I hope to have it done before the snow flies). We've also been spending a fair amount of time visiting friends who are in town visiting. That collar will sure look cute on Whitney.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:56 PM  

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